Thursday, April 1, 2010

Water: Life

Water is very important to sustaining a healthy body and mind, most likely far more than any of us realize. Clean and healthy drinking water is something many of us take for granted, having clean water in general (for feeding plant life, cleaning, showering, etc.) affects the lives of many people across this world. Most tap water is full of chemicals that are added to help 'clean and purify' our water reserves but they do the exact opposite. Fluoride is amongst the most harmful chemicals added to water in our current society of government control. Here is a article I would suggest everyone reads:

Stop fluoridation now!

Just to quote a few of the facts found in the article about the harms of fluoride:

* Cancer. Links to fluoridation have been revealed in numerous studies, with one finding that about two-thirds of 36 cancer sites in the body were associated with fluoridated water.

* Enzyme toxicity and genetic damage. Even 1 ppm of fluoride--an amount deemed safe for water fluoridation--can interfere with biological functions such as DNA repair enzyme activity and cause genetic and chromosomal damage.

* Pineal gland effects. Fluoride's adverse impact on this gland may interfere with the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep cycles, the onset of puberty and other functions

In order to have a healthy mind to sustain a healthy body, we must take precautions to help keep ourselves from becoming sick zombies who can no longer dream (due to the calcification of the pineal gland from fluoridation) by not drinking tap water, at all. None. Zero. For those of you near water filling stations, get the RO (reverse osmosis) water, reuse those empty clear plastic bottles. In California it's $0.35 for a gallon of healthy drinking water (for humans and plants!). Spring water isn't too expensive if you're in a city like NY where I can't seem to find any water filtering/filling stations. There are some rather inexpensive (especially when we're talking about our health) home filtration systems that will remove fluoride along with other harmful chemicals and bacteria that are found in tap water around the world. Here's a link:

Home Water Filters

Dr. Emoto's work with water and the affects consciousness (and music) has on the structure of water, shows just how important it is for us all to be healthy and happy. All we want is for healthy minds and bodies to be actively aware and conscious of how our intentions and choices lead to the way we experience this life.

Dr. Emoto's work with water and consciousness

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What inspires you?

perhaps a creation by a friend with a wonderful symbol which catalyzes only the most intense memories?

or a fractal burst of inspiration

or a picture found a friend lookin silly

either way, I smile and strive to live on with each breath, and create.